Charge Entry and Charge Audit

Charge Entry and Charge Audit

Inadequate documentation of care information can result in substantial revenue leakage, leading to millions of dollars in lost revenue. Implementing efficient charge capture and workflow solutions proves instrumental in mitigating instances of revenue loss. Additionally, fostering effective collaboration between coding and charge entry teams contributes to a sustained enhancement in the overall process.



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Possessing proficiency across various specialties and Revenue Cycle Platforms, our charge entry specialists handle a substantial volume of transactions with outstanding precision. Access Healthcare’s client portal facilitates seamless communication across teams, ensuring a smooth end-to-end process.

Our charge entry transactions maintain consistency by:

Receiving documents (superbills, charge tickets, source documents, etc.) through FTP, document management systems, or the client’s system.
Capturing essential details like date of service, billing provider, referring provider, POS, admission date, CPT/procedure codes, ICD-10, units, and modifiers.
Utilizing our proprietary tool, ARC.flow, for real-time reporting, addressing pending issues promptly for faster turnaround.
Importing charges directly from the EMR, subject to accuracy review before billing.
Opt for Access Healthcare’s Charge Audit services to detect missed charges, instances of over-billing, and coding errors causing revenue loss. We adopt an analytical approach to:

Validate written orders for care level and rendered treatments.
Append necessary modifiers and bill the exact number of units.
Compare charges across patient accounts.
Verify charges against updated fee schedules.
Identify undercharges, duplicate postings, and overcharges.
Verify charges with various department billers and coders.
Charge Audits unveil reasons for variances, including issues with charge entry, provider absences, delayed charge reporting, coding pattern changes, unbilled services, and other causes for claim denials. Ideally, charges should exhibit consistency, barring changes in physician productivity due to unavailability.

FirstVertex’s Value Proposition for Charge Entry and Charge Audit services:

Enhance productivity and accuracy.
Proficiency across multiple specialties.
Timely claims filing and benchmarking fee schedules and denial patterns.
Review charge entry processes through Charge Audits to prevent revenue leakage.
Ensure appropriate reimbursement.
Identify and rectify compliance issues related to charge overages.
Recover lost charges and expedite AR processing.
Real-time collaboration and reporting through client portals.

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Reach out to us today to discover the advantages your organization can gain from First Vertex's Patient Scheduling and Appointment Management Services.