Patient Registration & Demographics

Patient Registration/ Patient Demographics

Obtaining thorough and precise information from patients during their service interaction and accurately recording this data in your revenue cycle system is not just critical for the revenue cycle’s success but also facilitates diverse population health analytics.



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Inadequate capture of patient demographic details leads to claim denials and subsequent delays in payments. Studies indicate that healthcare organizations may lose up to 7% of their yearly revenue due to errors in demographic data capture. Implementing a transparent and standardized process for collecting patient demographic information serves as a preventive measure against critical errors at an early stage. Precise demographic collection enhances the rate of error-free claim submissions, thereby minimizing payment delays and denials.

Optimize your revenue cycle and enhance accuracy by leveraging FirstVertex’s Patient Registration Services.

DEMOGRAPHIC ENTRY AND VERIFICATION: We verify and update the following patient information in the practice management system:

  • Legal name, gender, address, phone numbers (work/home/mobile)
  • Social security numbers for identification
  • Health insurance information and policy details
  • Medicaid or Medicare policy
  • Contact information for the responsible payment party
  • Special requirements (interpreter, stretcher access, etc.)

Anticipate a seamless experience with FirstVertex’s Patient Registration Services. Rest assured, as you partner with a team well-versed in the intricacies of revenue cycle management and business processes, supported by a dedicated group of process experts. Our commitment lies in thoroughly grasping your organization’s operations, from overarching aspects to finer details, and guiding you towards comprehensive efficiency.

Our associates possess proficiency in all major revenue cycle systems, ensuring:

  • Enhanced efficiency and precision in capturing patient demographic information
  • Increased submission of error-free claims
  • Decreased denials related to demographic issues
  • Real-time collaboration and reporting through our client portals
  • Regular detailed updates and reports provided on a weekly basis.
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Reach out to us today to discover the advantages your organization can gain from First Vertex's Patient Scheduling and Appointment Management Services.